Whether you like it or not, your credit score tells everything. It tells whether you are approved for a credit card or for a mortgage you have applied for. Interest rates are also affected on this matter: the higher your credit score, the better interest rates you receive.
A bad credit score is like a sore thumb that you cannot hide. It will cause you pain, make you feel uncomfortable, and require immediate relief.
This will affect your financial stature badly and prevent you from getting new lines of credit or securing the mortgage that you need most.
Our blog will provide you with instant economic wellness from your debilitating credit worries so that you can carry on with your business.
Our tips to improve your credit score do not require rocket science to understand but rather keen common sense and an open mind to value their worth.
Credit Score Defined
A credit score is a number that serves as an individual’s creditworthiness. Credit Unions and other lending companies measure several factors to determine the borrower’s capability to manage debt.
These include – but are not limited to – payment history, credit utilization ratio, length of credit history, types of credit, and new credit, to name a few.
The acceptable credit mark ranges from 350 to 850 points depending on the Credit Unions. The higher score, the better the chances of gaining a loan.
Your credit score contains no magic formula that will automatically improve your rating in a minute. However, by doing these easy tips, your credit standing will improve in a short period of time.
Read ahead and take note of our 6 strategies to quickly upscale your credit score.
6 Steps to Scale-Up Your Credit Score in a Jiffy
- Procure a copy of your free credit report
• You can get a national free credit report from all major credit bureaus. This free yearly credit report is available through the website AnnualCreditReport.com or via their hot-line at 1-877-322-8228. - Review your credit report
• Once you get your credit report, check it thoroughly for erroneous entries and dispute all of the negative items in your credit advice. Look for inaccurate data such as name, address, and other personal information and report any discrepancies immediately. You also need to look at your payment history, credit limit, and outstanding balance. - Dispute your negative data and erroneous accounts
• This is related to number 2. Removing your bad credit history will help your credit score improve. We suggest writing a dispute letter to the credit bureau to ensure that they look into this at once and make sure that you also have a copy of the correspondence for future reference.. You have to do this because credit reporting agencies are mandated by the law to remove any disputable information that cannot be confirmed within 30 calendar days. - Pay your bills on time
• If you want to improve your credit score fast then paying your bills on time is the best way to improve credit score. Payment history has the biggest impact on your credit score rating and gaining a 35% payment ratio presents itself as a backlash to your credit history. We recommend avoiding late payments at all costs to improve your bad credit quickly.
(NOTE: Payment ratio is the percentage derived from the current outstanding balance and from the number of payments made by the borrower.)
- Keep your credit utilization low
• A credit utilization ratio is the amount of money that you are currently using divided by the amount of your credit limit. The credit experts say that you should only use at least 30 percent of your credit limit to maintain a good credit score. This is also one of the effective ways to better your credit and reestablish credit reputation with your creditors/lenders. - Keep your old accounts open
• If your bank does not charge you for an annual fee then rejoice and do not close your old accounts. The age of credit history in your old account also has an impact on your credit score.
(NOTE: The length of credit history comprises 15% of your overall credit score.)
How is Your Credit Score Assessed?
Your credit score is determined using scoring models that are gathered by the information on your credit report. This is generated by the three main credit bureaus; namely, Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion, respectively.
The table below shows the factors involved in calculating your credit score:
• Payment history (35%)
• Amount due (30%)
• Length of credit history (15%)
• New credit (10%)
• Type of credit used (10%)
Final Thoughts
Improving your credit score takes time and there are many ways to improve it depending on your situation (i.e. financial capability, employment, credit standing, etc.).
The best thing you can do to resuscitate your weak credit rating, for now, is to follow your set payment schedule and maintain your monetary discipline all throughout your credit repair period and beyond.
Follow the tips we stated above to achieve your target credit score and avoid problems in getting new credit lines, acquiring better mortgage contracts, and winning the best interest rates.
We are you specialists in mortgages and in credit score repair for 9 years running. Our office is located in Canada and is founded by Faizal Garasia, an expert in credit and mortgage matters.
Feel free to phone +1 647-373-9651 or send email to creditrepair@oneteamservesyou.com to learn more.